Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Plan

Okay. Plan B.

Level Camera Angle. Spaceship moves in one side and loops out the other. Sound of rushing.

Pan shot. Follows the space ship in, and pans out to show it hurtling towards Earth.
Low Camera Angle, following close to the side of the ship as it crashes through trees.

Lond Distance Shot - watch the ship curl around buildings.

Neutral, level shot - ship zooms by, lifting papers and leaves into the air.

POV shot, shaking and zooming forward towards the field.

POV shot, shaking, emergency lights blinking, lots of beeping, farmhouse comes into view.

High angle shot, watches as corn gets whipped around by the force of the ship's passage. Corn flying in all directions, sound of kernels popping from the sudden heat.

Long shot, as ship crashes into the window.

High angle shot, as ship zooms out back door.

High angle long shot, as ship breaks through barn door.
Neutral, level shot, ship whizzes by rooster, leaving it stunned and lopsided. (all feathers stick out to one side)

long shot, ship crashes into a haystack.

Pan in, barnyard animals staring curiously, haystack begins to rustle.
Close-up, Eddie the warthog pops out of the haystack, startling the animals.

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