Monday, September 13, 2010


Okay, so there are still a few technical difficulties, but look!! I've got my scans, and everything!! This first one is "How to Open an Umbrella". Drawn instructions on how to open an umbrella! I did it in class. Yup. So . . . moving on.

Ta-DA!!! My first mind-map. I took my nice brush-pens/marker-things to my Intro to Chemical Engineering class, which is my 1-credit class, where I only have to sit there and look like I'm paying attention. It's actually interesting, though, so I do pay attention. :) But, anyway, this is what I got! Our guest lecturer came in, and had us do a math problem with a tank of water, with a leak in the bottom, and water getting poured in. And then he told us about his animated movie, about atoms, called the Molecularium, I believe. So, the atoms looked like the little round things in the top right corner of the mind map. The water molecule is called Oxy, with her sidekicks Hydra and Hydro. Then, on the bottom, there is a "protein doing it's dance" (a direct quote from the lecturer about using a certain type of microscope), and the quote from the movie "The melting has BEGUN!!!", which just made the rest of my day.
This is a mind map of the TV show, Leverage. After mind-mapping my lecture, I was a little concerned that I hadn't filled up the entire paper . . . so I tried again. This particular episode was about a company mass producing drugs with deadly side effects, because the CEO/evil man wanted to get a better paying, higher position, and by the time anyone noticed that the medicine he was producing was dangerous, he would be at his next job, and wouldn't have to deal with it. It didn't work this time, either. Filling up the paper, I mean. I'm currently mind-mapping Chapter 8 of my Chemistry textbook. It's working out much better.

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